It’s been a good summer. A lot has happened. It’s been busy with work, studying, visiting people, and overall just enjoying being in Ohio. Ohio is such a great place to call home. I am proud to do so, and will probably always feel like it’s home.
But, now, it’s time to head home.
That doesn’t quite make sense - the having two homes thing. But, it’s my life now - one of the job descriptions of being a missionary.
That seems strange too. The missionary part.
Life has a way of sneaking up and not being anything that you can quite put your hands on.
So, we lean into it, we fight against it, and if we’re lucky, we take naps so we can do it all over again.
I’ve started packing.
I’m headed back to Thailand to resume my work as a counselor to missionaries. I’ll be doing most of the same things as I was when I was there previously - doing my best to provide hope and healing for missionaries, and their children, in Southeast Asia.
The last time that I packed for Thailand, I did so without ever having been to Thailand. I didn’t really know anyone there, and I only had guesses as to what my work would look like. I was so excited about all of the possibilities.
This time, as I’m packing, I’m doing so having spent the better part of a year in Thailand, I know a lot of great people, and I have a pretty good idea of what the job will look like.
And, I’m more excited this time around.
Several people have asked me, “When did you know that you wanted to go back?” I have a vivid memory. There was a day, in a staff meeting where a particular item was being discussed, that I felt needed. And I felt wanted. I hope that doesn’t sound arrogant. It just felt like I was in the right place, and those around me felt the same way. That’s when I knew that I wanted to be in Thailand, in Chiang Mai, and at Cornerstone.
So, here we go!
P.S. All of the counselors at Cornerstone, myself included, raise their own financial support. I am still looking for some friends who would be interested in helping me to finish off raising my support. If you are interested in coming alongside of me and my work you can follow this link to do so: