The first thing you should know about my Nana is that she isn't my real Nana.
My name is Kevin. I am 12 years old. I have one sister who
is 6 years old. Her name is Melissa. We live in Point’s Hollow, Ohio with my
mom, my dad, and now my Nana.
The second thing you should know about my Nana is that she has
great endurance.
Our town is 20 miles from Springfield. My dad is a farmer
and my mom runs the corner store. I am in the 5th grade. I like
football, fishing, and anything my friends are doing. I still remember the day
my Nana showed up. It was almost lunchtime and I was sitting by the road
counting the clouds that passed by my house. Summers in Point’s Hollow can be
The third thing you should know about my Nana is that she
doesn’t remember much.
The day Nana showed up was in the summer. It’s the wintertime
now. I was sitting there, counting clouds, like I told you when I saw her on her
bike. She’s an old lady and she rides normal speed for an old lady, which is
pretty slow. She rode her bike past me and she had a look on her face like she
wasn’t seeing anything that she was looking at. Nana went three pedals past me,
and then stopped. She stood there for a long time looking around, so I ran up
to her. I said, “Hi. Do you need some help?” She said, “Hi Zachary, I’m just
going to the market.” I didn’t know what to say because there isn’t a market
near my house, and my name is Kevin, not Zachary. I said, “Are you lost?” She
said, “Lost? Good heavens, no! I’ve lived here my whole life! I’m not lost, I’m
just looking for Mittens. Have you seen her?”
The fourth thing you should know about my Nana is that she’s
a really good cook.
I ran and got my mom. My mom brought Nana into our house and
got her a glass of iced tea. Old people love iced tea. Nana usually loves it
but sometimes she hates it. That day she loved it. My mom asked her a bunch of
questions, like “what’s your name?” “where do you live?” “what’s your family’s
name?” Nana didn’t know the answer to most of the questions. When my dad got
back from the fields we took Nana into Springfield. We went to the police
station, but they said there wasn’t any missing person reports. We went to the
hospital, the old people’s home, and even to the rotary club. But, no one was
missing a little old lady. So, we brought Nana back home with us. Later that
night she told my mom that she wanted to read a story to me and my sister. So, we
climbed up into bed with Nana and she read us a story. Even though I’m 12, and
too old for stories, I loved it. She’s the best reader ever.
The fifth thing you should know about my Nana is that she
always carries butterscotch candy in her pockets.
My mom and dad traveled all around trying to find Nana’s
family, but they couldn’t find her missing from anywhere. They even went all
the way to Columbus, but no one was looking for Nana. I think that Nana
probably got on her bike and rode all the way from St. Louis. Like I told you, she
has really good endurance. The second day she was at our house we went for a
walk. Nana walked so fast that we could barely keep up with her. My mom turned
around and took Melissa home after a while, but Nana and I walked for a really
long time. It was a lot of fun. She told me a bunch of stories about her
husband and children. She kept changing the names, so I don’t know what
was actually true, but I think her husband is dead and her kids are "rabble-rousers." Sometimes Nana lets me talk and talk for hours. My mom
always says that my imagination belongs in the circus, and even though Nana doesn’t
remember any of the stories I tell her, I’m pretty sure she loves hearing them.
The sixth thing you should know about my Nana is that she is
missing a finger on her left hand and has fake teeth.
My dad said, “She isn’t a stray animal, we can’t “keep
her!”” I think we spent almost a month looking for her family, but, in the end,
we never could find them. I cried and cried when dad said that we were going to
take her to the police station and let them deal with her. But mom said something
about “leaving him for Billy Forrest” and he said that Nana could stay.
Besides, even though Nana is really nice, I think my dad is a little afraid of
her. I don’t know why. Anyways, I think that was the happiest day of my
life. Nana sometimes does strange things like wears her clothes inside out. One time we
woke up and she wasn’t in her room. We looked and looked and finally found her
walking towards town. She sometimes scolds mom like mom is her own daughter.
Sometimes she gets angry and says that she doesn’t know where she is. But,
that’s only sometimes. Most of the time I can’t wait to get home from school to
see her. Like yesterday, after I got home from school, we sat on the back porch
and snapped peas for dinner. She likes to hear about my day at school, and she
likes to tell me about all of her sisters and about when they were growing up.
The seventh thing you should know about my Nana is that she
is my best friend.
My favorite part of the day is after Nana is done reading to
us she looks at me and says, “Oh, my sweet little Zachary, good night!” Except, a couple of days ago, she said,
“Oh, my sweet little Kevin, good night!” I looked at her, really surprised, and
she just winked at me. She doesn’t usually remember my name so that made me
super happy. When Nana first started living with us mom said that Nana had
“old-timer’s” disease. That’s why she doesn’t remember things too good. Mom
also said that Nana would probably get worse. Nana hasn’t been eating. Mom said
that Mrs. Bloom’s mother, who had old-timers too, stopped eating before she
died. That made me really sad. Even though Nana isn’t my real Nana, and even
though she’s only been living with us since the summer, I can’t really remember
her not being around. So, I try my best to help her eat. Sometimes she’ll eat,
and sometimes she won’t let me get the spoon close to her mouth. So, I can tell
that she’s probably getting ready to die. Mom said that sometimes old people
are just ready to die. That makes me really sad, but I just want Nana to be happy.
The other reason I think Nana is getting ready to die is because she’s been
telling stories about her husband and it sounds like she mostly liked him. Back
before, when she first came, her stories weren’t as nice about him. So I think
Nana knows she’s about to go see him up in heaven, and maybe she’s practicing
liking him again.
I don’t know what makes someone family, but, the last thing you should know about my Nana is that she is
my real Nana.